The Story: Fireworks, Internet, I-75, & Spider Networks
So we had one that was off of I-75. And I just happened to have a friend who lived across the street from I-75. The credit union was completely down, and they had no internet or anything. And I was like, but my buddy had internet at his house. So he literally took a pole, stuck it up on a bridge router for Wi Fi and connected it across I-75 to the credit union.
You know, those things you have to point directly at each other to get the signal, get them to work. So I remember my friend was across the street. He happened to have some fireworks on 4th of July. So he’s over there, he’s setting off the fireworks and I’m pointing the bridge right over to him. And man, we got it up in the morning.
But it was really funny, you know, the things that you do.
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